Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Should Students Be Allowed to Eat in Clas free essay sample
Should understudies be permitted to eat in the study hall? Numerous individuals state that understudies ought to have the option to eat during class. We will compose a custom exposition test on Should Students Be Allowed to Eat in Clas or on the other hand any comparable subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Dissimilar to others think the inverse. Let’s see why individuals figure understudies ought to eat in class. First where going to begin with the negative side. Which implies the individuals that think it’s a poorly conceived notion. The have numerous reasons some are simply imbecilic and some are extremely evident that’s may very well alter your perspective. They earthier feel that the understudies will make a major chaos or here and there understudy have a hypersensitive response or assault. Additionally when a child brings food the various understudies begin requesting a few and understudy begin tossing it over the homeroom for different children to get in their mouths. What's more, it diverts kid from their learning. I know a large portion of the children in your group do likewise. Presently let’s get to the constructive thing which means individuals who do permit children to eat during class. At the point when an understudy sees their educator eating something or eating treats you presently are thinking mmmmm those must be so great brownies or anything besides the fact is that it will cause the belly to go all like grrr I’m hungry me need food. Wouldn’t you need to eat when somebody is eating something you want? Be that as it may, hold up I’m not done at this point a few times when an instructor is going to play a learning game the children won’t be intrigued except if it’s like a pizza gathering or candy or something to do with eating since I wager the children would effectively eat something great in class. Let’s state when an educator says an inquiry and she says â€Å"if you answer this inquiry right then I will give a little bite or candy or something†and afterward all the children begin lifting their hand and most understudies begin taking an interest for that one little bit of bite. In the event that they weren’t to be permitted to eat in class, at that point they wouldn’t be keen on anything. You truly have parcels to browse. Sure if kids make a wreck make a standard or call their folks and disclose to them they should be all the more spotless or you can tidy it up and show the children the amount you care about the school. In the event that they put gum underneath the work area, at that point make them clean it, scratch it off or don’t permit gum since gum and food isn't something very similar. Educators need to pick on the off chance that they don’t permit it, at that point converse with them don’t be terrified. Taking everything into account I figure they ought to permit understudies to eat snacks in the homeroom. Be that as it may, that is my supposition so what might you pick should understudies eat in class or should understudy ought not eat in class.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
New Play Plan Essay
1. Is the organization at where it ought to set up a proper pay structure dependent on a total activity assessment? Why? Truly, by setting up a conventional pay structure is in effect reasonable for the workers on the grounds that the compensation being paid dependent on the activity task instead of pay the pay dependent on sexual orientation. At the point when the compensation structure being reasonable, it drives fulfillment among the workers and thus the turnover will be at low rate. In addition, the organization additionally can control their money related activity by doing spending assignment anticipating their business activity. Also, the conventional pay structure will make the representatives understood on the sum pay for their activity position. Therefore, it can make simpler to the related supervisor to do a procedure of pay installment. 2. Is Jack Carter’s approach of paying 10% more than the predominant rates a sound one, and how could that be resolved? Above all else, First of all, as indicated by this case, carter doesn't make any conventional reviews, it is a right activity for Carter. Carter should give more consideration to the prerequisites of representatives for building a proper compensation approach. Furthermore, Carter Company should pay various pay rates for various occupation office as opposed to sexual orientation. Thirdly, it can decide a job’s relative worth by work assessment. Be that as it may, Jake has no enough proof for building a compensation strategy. As we would see it, Carter may pick a vocation assessment responsibility to guarantee right compensation arrangements. To the extent we concerned, Jake Carter’s arrangement of paying 10% more than the overarching rates is reasonable. There are five stages for making a discerning compensation plan. Principally, manager conducts casual pay study and formal study. At that point businesses use pay review to recognize what others are paying. Also, Carter picks work assessment techniques to decide the value of one occupation. Thirdly, the organization pays the comparable compensation for comparable occupations. Fourthly, Carter can utilize a compensation bend to help dole out compensation rates to each activity. At that point it is anything but difficult to value occupations with a pay bend. In conclusion, we realize Carter doesn't create pay ranges. Along these lines, it is significant for creating pay reaches to propel elite workers. Simultaneously, Carter needs toâ correct off the mark rates. For this situation, we differ that people have distinctive compensation, it is out of line. In this manner, Carter must guarantee that people are paid similarly for basically a similar work. Jack Carter’s arrangement of paying 10% more than the common rates a sound one since he accepts that inside the higher installment he could decrease the turnover among the worker and furthermore simultaneously can encouraging the representative dependability to association. It could be controlled by giving realities that Jack pays the 10% more to the laborer. In addition, it’s especially better, if the installment done to the laborers that are demonstrating the devotion to the association. 3. Also, is Carter’s male-female differential savvy? If not, why not? Our sentiment, the appropriate response is no, Carter’s shop doesn't have male-female differential savvy. What's more, they are additionally equivalent to their representatives. Since Carter Cleaning Centers don't make a formal and lawful pay structure to their representatives, and simultaneously Carte Cleaning Centers additionally doesn't utilize a decent compensable components to their workers, it will make some awful impacts their representatives and it likewise achieve diverse treatment. Wages rates depend generally on those predominant in the encompassing network. As indicated by the Equal Pay Act of 1963, it necessitates that people who do a similar activity in a similar association ought to get a similar compensation. The term 'same compensation' allude to no distinction is adequate. Moreover the law, likewise characterizes that one consider as doing likewise level of employment in the event that they are equivalent in term of aptitudes, exertion, obligation and working condition. In any case, the Equal Pay Act of 1963 incorporates four special cases that permit bosses to pay another sexual orientation more than another. A portion of those exemptions resemble greater status, better occupation execution, more noteworthy amount or nature of creation and in conclusion certain different elements like paying extra to representatives that working the night move. Back to this contextual analysis, there is no such exemptions remembers for the explanation gave by the Jack as to legitimize why he chose to pay 20% more than lady to men laborers. The explanation gave by him is they are more grounded and can buckle down for longer hours and furthermore they all have family to help. This avocation is the one that can’t be worthy at all if allude to the lawâ and it likewise show separation towards the female specialist. This is on the grounds that, as per Equal Pay Act 1963, as opposed to the four special cases as notice above, female and male laborers ought to get a similar measure of installment in the event that they hold a similar activity that are considerably equivalent. Moreover, this incautious choice of Jack Carter’s approach will bring about many negative impacts, for example, increment in turnover among female specialist, work disappointment. Furthermore, there will be likewise more contentions so as to get an equivalent compensation rate and finally it will prompt a uselessly result to the association. Question 4: Specifically, what might you propose Jennifer do now regarding her company’s pay plan? For the advancement of the organization, there are a few proposals from us to Jennifer do now regarding her company’s pay plan. More insights concerning the recommendation will be talked about in the accompanying section. To begin with, in the inquiry 1, we had referenced this point, setting up a proper compensation structure. In light of this point, for the workers, they will feel all the more reasonable and unambiguous about the amount they can get and it likewise makes the overseeing simpler and all the more plainly for administrators, there are severe sure structure to stay away from the out of line things occur. Second, cause a fundamental proper overview so as to deciding the sum that organization should pay at what sort of employment duties so as to evade the misstep, for example, uneven characters of pay installment. Regardless of what cautious we will be, we likewise would make a few mistakes, so review the outcomes are fundamental and significant. For the situation, the organization conducts casual overviews among companions and cleaners exchange partners. By doing this, it would lessen the expense and it is useful for getting tremendous and direct data. Be that as it may, the autonomous data source could give incredible dangers to the organization later on. Along these lines a conventional study to the workers is more powerful as opposed to casual study so as to get criticisms from representatives with respect to the compensation framework. Third, about the approach of paying 10% more than the overarching rates, as an organization, benefit is the principal thing. Despite the fact that, this approach can cultivate representative dependability, however to the long haul, the workers will habituate this circumstance and can't propelled them to improve. Changing the arrangement like remunerating the remarkable representatives with this strategy, not all, this not exclusively can decrease the expense, yet in addition can spur workers to get the higher winning rates. Fourth, abrogate the strategy of paying men about 20% more than ladies for a similar activity. In spite of the fact that her father’s clarified that men are more grounded and can work more enthusiastically for longer hours, what's more they all have families to help, this arrangement thought about inclination to the men representatives and obviously it can course disappointment to the ladies workers and they will feel unjustifiably treated. In pay framework, it is smarter to have an authority endorsed method on deciding the correct representatives who’s fit the bill to be remunerated on the rewards or pay augmentation and it ought to be founded on the workers work execution. Don’t do like that, in regards to someone who try sincerely and better is compelling technique.
Thursday, July 30, 2020
Book Riots Deals of the Day for October 27th, 2019
Book Riot’s Deals of the Day for October 27th, 2019 Win a six-month romance book subscription box! These deals were active as of this writing, but may expire soon, so get them while they’re hot! Todays Featured Deals Pachinko by Min Jin Lee for $3.99. Get it here, or just click on the cover image below. The Seven or Eight Deaths of Stella Fortuna: A Novel by Juliet Grames for $1.99. Get it here, or just click on the cover image below. Coming Clean: A Memoir by Kimberly Rae Miller for $0.99. Get it here, or just click on the cover image below. Along the Infinite Sea by Beatriz Williams for $1.99. Get it here, or just click on the cover image below. In Case You Missed Yesterdays Most Popular Deals Mr. Splitfoot by Samantha Hunt for $2.99. Get it here, or just click on the cover image below. The Killing Lessons by Saul Black for $2.99. Get it here, or just click on the cover image below. 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Friday, May 22, 2020
The Indian Civil Rights Act - 1577 Words
In 1968, Congress passed the Indian Bill of Rights, otherwise known as the Indian Civil Rights Act, in order to apply restrictions and protection under the United States Constitution to Native American governments. This act induced similar Civil Rights and independence to the specified reservation citizens as those who the Federal Constitution guarantees under the State and Federal jurisdiction. (American Indian Rights Handbook 11). Many controversies arose among the Native Americans due to the popular belief that this act endangered the traditional way of Native American life. Moreover, they believed Congress could not apply these standards for the Native American government to achieve without supplying the adequate amount of money. On†¦show more content†¦Another occurrence was the Sand Creek Massacre, which happened on November 29, 1864, resulted in the death of seventy to a hundred and sixty three Native Americans. This massacre occurred due to the discovery of gold in t he Rocky Mountains of Colorado. However, the most intense and symbolic conflict among Native Americans and white settlers is the Wounded Knee Massacre on December 29, 1890. Leading up to this massacre at the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, the United States became concerned about the influence of the Ghost Dance spiritual movement. The movement led the Indians to believe the reason they were confined to reservations was because they had angered the gods from abiding to the white man’s law rather than follow their traditional customs (Brown 398). The authorities attempted to arrest the famous Sioux chief, Sitting Bull, due to the suspicion he would join in the Ghost Dance Movement. Sitting Bull was killed by the Indian agency police, stirring conflicts. Thus, on December 29, 1890, the United States Army Seventh Cavalry encircled the Lakota Sioux under the command of Chief Big Foot, demanding them to relinquish their weapons. Black Coyote who, according to Dee Brown, â€Å"was a crazy man, a young man of very bad influence and in fact a nobody†fired his gun and the United States soldiers retaliated and returned fire. The massacre had an estimated death of of â€Å"nearly three hundred of the original 350 men, women, and children†(Brown 444). A NativeShow MoreRelatedMovers And Board Of Education Of Topeka, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Essay935 Words  | 4 Pages The Civil Rights Act, the Meriam Report, Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, and One Laptop per Child are four of the movers and shakers in education I will attempt to write about. When you hear the word of the event: â€Å"Civil Rights Act†, one may think of freedom, equality for all, and unity. Because of great leaders such as Martin Luther King Jr., and also other leaders who fought for African Americans to be treated equally, the Civil Rights Act was established. 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Sunday, May 10, 2020
Graduate School Essay Samples Nursing - an in Depth Anaylsis on What Works and What Doesnt
Graduate School Essay Samples Nursing - an in Depth Anaylsis on What Works and What Doesn't New Questions About Graduate School Essay Samples Nursing Before you write your admissions essay you have to have a comprehension of your targets and the way in which your experiences to date prepare you for pursuing your aims. You get to speak about your academic accomplishments in a different portion of the application. Today, you're going to see several examples of personal objectives. Example of personal goals may include lots of distinct places, however, now you've got some illustration of personal goals that is able to help you formulate your own targets and get excited as you go forward to achieving them. On the flip side, an excellent essay or private statement will allow you to stand out and boost your opportunity of getting admitted, even if other elements of your application aren't stellar. By the way, it is not expected that you own a research topic solidly chosen, but you o ught to have a notion of what you would like to study. For a beginning, the typical application essay topics need you to use language that's totally free from language flaws and grammatical mistakes. So if you're thinking about a potentially well-tread topic, attempt to approach it in a distinctive way. If you search for the best opening and delay writing till you find just the proper angle, phrasing, or metaphor you may not ever write your graduate admissions essay. There are 3 ways you may ensure your essay is among the very best. It is crucial to understand what elements are required to compose a thriving application essay. As soon as you get a rough draft of your admissions essay, remember that it's a rough draft. As you are interested in getting the essay to communicate the very best information about you, you should do thorough preparation for the sample college admission essays to accomplish its purposes. Our admission essay examples can prove that we're here in order to provide simply the ideal assistance to assure you which you submit an application essay you may be confident in. Your admissions essay is like any other essay you've written. Who knew essay writing may be so tough. So in case you have an essay assigned that you will need help with, you can purchase essay online cheap from us. If you are in need of a well-crafted essay, then you can count on us to deliver. Review the prompt thoroughly and plan your essay before you start writing to make certain that you make an essay which will be an effective and persuasive accession to your application package. One of the most difficult elements of college life is finances. In reality, the maintenance of the soul is the most effective facet of the art of caring in nursing. Also, there's life outside the classroom. Based on how well you communicate, I may be able to understand your passion for nursing and your future, also. Up in Arms About Graduate School Essay Samples Nursing? Now you can purchase genuine college essay online, one that is going to fit your financial plan and get your work done too. If faculty can't understand what you're attempting to say, you won't succeed on the assignments. To be certain, Noyce's was not a very simple personality. Our nursing scholarship essay examples can increase the likelihood of your admission to a nursing class. A nursing essay is among the documents that you must present to be able to be admitted to a nursing school. Writing quality essays is the principal purpose of our services. Writing a great nursing school essay is extremely important to getting your application considered and accepted. The Demise of Graduate School Essay Samples Nursing The personal statement isn't a confessional booth. The recruiter needs clear and systematic info and the candidate should devote all his details in a manner that recruiters would love to see. Some graduate programs will request that you compose an extra essay about an issue within your preferred field. Being aware of what to expect after you graduate can help you choose which program to apply for and let you target your statement or essay in a manner that will present your commitment. Developing a nursing personal statement that's notable for its distinctive content demands a lot of preparation and planning. Many programs simply request that you submit a personal statement with no more guidance. Talking of nursing resume template specifically, an individual should know the work profile and accordingly compose the resume. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Golden Compass Chapter Nine Free Essays
Chapter Nine The Spies Over the next few days, Lyra concocted a dozen plans and dismissed them impatiently; for they all boiled down to stowing away, and how could you stow away on a narrowboat? To be sure, the real voyage would involve a proper ship, and she knew enough stories to expect all kinds of hiding places on a full-sized vessel: the lifeboats, the hold, the bilges, whatever they were; but she’d have to get to the ship first, and leaving the fens meant traveling the gyptian way. And even if she got to the coast on her own, she might stow away on the wrong ship. It would be a fine thing to hide in a lifeboat and wake up on the way to High Brazil. We will write a custom essay sample on The Golden Compass Chapter Nine or any similar topic only for you Order Now Meanwhile, all around her the tantalizing work of assembling the expedition was going on day and night. She hung around Adam Stefanski, watching as he made his choice of the volunteers for the fighting force. She pestered Roger van Poppel with suggestions about the stores they needed to take: Had he remembered snow goggles? Did he know the best place to get arctic maps? The man she most wanted to help was Benjamin de Ruyter, the spy. But he had slipped away in the early hours of the morning after the second roping, and naturally no one could say where he’d gone or when he’d return. So in default, Lyra attached herself to Farder Coram. â€Å"I think it’d be best if I helped you, Farder Coram,†she said, â€Å"because I probably know more about the Gobblers than anyone else, being as I was nearly one of them. Probably you’ll need me to help you understand Mr. de Ruyter’s messages.†He took pity on the fierce, desperate little girl and didn’t send her away. Instead he talked to her, and listened to her memories of Oxford and of Mrs. Coulter, and watched as she read the alethiometer. â€Å"Where’s that book with all the symbols in?†she asked him one day. â€Å"In Heidelberg,†he said. â€Å"And is there just the one?†â€Å"There may be others, but that’s the one I’ve seen.†â€Å"I bet there’s one in Bodley’s Library in Oxford,†she said. She could hardly take her eyes off Farder Coram’s daemon, who was the most beautiful daemon she’d ever seen. When Pantalaimon was a cat, he was lean and ragged and harsh, but Sophonax, for that was her name, was golden-eyed and elegant beyond measure, fully twice as large as a real cat and richly furred. When the sunlight touched her, it lit up more shades of tawny-brown-leaf-hazel-corn-gold-autumn-mahogany than Lyra could name. She longed to touch that fur, to rub her cheeks against it, but of course she never did; for it was the grossest breach of etiquette imaginable to touch another person’s daemon. Daemons might touch each other, of course, or fight; but the prohibition against human-daemon contact went so deep that even in battle no warrior would touch an enemy’s daemon. It was utterly forbidden. Lyra couldn’t remember having to be told that: she just knew it, as instinctively as she felt that nausea was bad and comfort good. So although she a dmired the fur of Sophonax and even speculated on what it might feel like, she never made the slightest move to touch her, and never would. Sophonax was as sleek and healthy and beautiful as Farder Coram was ravaged and weak. He might have been ill, or he might have suffered a crippling blow, but the result was that he could not walk without leaning on two sticks, and he trembled constantly like an aspen leaf. His mind was sharp and clear and powerful, though, and soon Lyra came to love him for his knowledge and for the firm way he directed her. â€Å"What’s that hourglass mean, Farder Coram?†she asked, over the alethiometer, one sunny morning in his boat. â€Å"It keeps coming back to that.†â€Å"There’s often a clue there if you look more close. What’s that little old thing on top of it?†She screwed up her eyes and peered. â€Å"That’s a skull!†â€Å"So what d’you think that might mean?†â€Å"Death†¦Is that death?†â€Å"That’s right. So in the hourglass range of meanings you get death. In fact, after time, which is the first one, death is the second one.†â€Å"D’you know what I noticed, Farder Coram? The needle stops there on the second go-round! On the first round it kind of twitches, and on the second it stops. Is that saying it’s the second meaning, then?†â€Å"Probably. What are you asking it, Lyra?†â€Å"I’m a thinking – †she stopped, surprised to find that she’d actually been asking a question without realizing it. â€Å"I just put three pictures together because†¦! was thinking about Mr. de Ruyter, see†¦.And I put together the serpent and the crucible and the beehive, to ask how he’s a getting on with his spying, and – â€Å" â€Å"Why them three symbols?†â€Å"Because I thought the serpent was cunning, like a spy ought to be, and the crucible could mean like knowledge, what you kind of distill, and the beehive was hard work, like bees are always working hard; so out of the hard work and the cunning comes the knowledge, see, and that’s the spy’s job; and I pointed to them and I thought the question in my mind, and the needle stopped at death†¦.D’you think that could be really working, Farder Coram?†â€Å"It’s working all right, Lyra. What we don’t know is whether we’re reading it right. That’s a subtle art. I wonder if – â€Å" Before he could finish his sentence, there was an urgent knock at the door, and a young gyptian man came in. â€Å"Beg pardon, Farder Coram, there’s Jacob Huismans just come back, and he’s sore wounded.†â€Å"He was with Benjamin de Ruyter,†said Farder Coram. â€Å"What’s happened?†â€Å"He won’t speak,†said the young man. â€Å"You better come, Farder Coram, ’cause he won’t last long, he’s a bleeding inside.†Farder Coram and Lyra exchanged a look of alarm and wonderment, but only for a second, and then Farder Coram was hobbling out on his sticks as fast as he could manage, with his daemon padding ahead of him. Lyra came too, hopping with impatience. The young man led them to a boat tied up at the sugar-beet jetty, where a woman in a red flannel apron held open the door for them. Seeing her suspicious glance at Lyra, Farder Coram said, â€Å"It’s important the girl hears what Jacob’s got to say, mistress.†So the woman let them in and stood back, with her squirrel daemon perched silent on the wooden clock. On a bunk under a patchwork coverlet lay a man whose white face was damp with sweat and whose eyes were glazed. â€Å"I’ve sent for the physician, Farder Coram,†said the woman shakily. â€Å"Please don’t agitate him. He’s in an agony of pain. He come in off Peter Hawker’s boat just a few minutes ago.†â€Å"Where’s Peter now?†â€Å"He’s a tying up. It was him said I had to send for you.†â€Å"Quite right. Now, Jacob, can ye hear me?†Jacob’s eyes rolled to look at Farder Coram sitting on the opposite bunk, a foot or two away. â€Å"Hello, Farder Coram,†he murmured. Lyra looked at his daemon. She was a ferret, and she lay very still beside his head, curled up but not asleep, for her eyes were open and glazed like his. â€Å"What happened?†said Farder Coram. â€Å"Benjamin’s dead,†came the answer. â€Å"He’s dead, and Gerard’s captured.†His voice was hoarse and his breath was shallow. When he stopped speaking, his daemon uncurled painfully and licked his cheek, and taking strength from that he went on: â€Å"We was breaking into the Ministry of Theology, because Benjamin had heard from one of the Gobblers we caught that the headquarters was there, that’s where all the orders was coming from†¦.†He stopped again. â€Å"You captured some Gobblers?†said Farder Coram. Jacob nodded, and cast his eyes at his daemon. It was unusual for daemons to speak to humans other than their own, but it happened sometimes, and she spoke now. â€Å"We caught three Gobblers in Clerkenwell and made them tell us who they were working for and where the orders came from and so on. They didn’t know where the kids were being taken, except it was north to Lapland†¦.†She had to stop and pant briefly, her little chest fluttering, before she could go on. â€Å"And so them Gobblers told us about the Ministry of Theology and Lord Boreal. Benjamin said him and Gerard Hook should break into the Ministry and Frans Broekman and Tom Mendham should go and find out about Lord Boreal.†â€Å"Did they do that?†â€Å"We don’t know. They never came back. Farder Coram, it were like everything we did, they knew about before we did it, and for all we know Frans and Tom were swallowed alive as soon as they got near Lord Boreal.†â€Å"Come back to Benjamin,†said Farder Coram, hearing Jacob’s breathing getting harsher and seeing his eyes close in pain. Jacob’s daemon gave a little mew of anxiety and love, and the woman took a step or two closer, her hands to her mouth; but she didn’t speak, and the daemon went on faintly: â€Å"Benjamin and Gerard and us went to the Ministry at White Hall and found a little side door, it not being fiercely guarded, and we stayed on watch outside while they unfastened the lock and went in. They hadn’t been in but a minute when we heard a cry of fear, and Benjamin’s daemon came a flying out and beckoned to us for help and flew in again, and we took our knife and ran in after her; only the place was dark, and full of wild forms and sounds that were confusing in their frightful movements; and we cast about, but there was a commotion above, and a fearful cry, and Benjamin and his daemon fell from a high staircase above us, his daemon a tugging and a fluttering to hold him up, but all in vain, for they crashed on the stone floor and both perished in a moment. â€Å"And we couldn’t see anything of Gerard, but there was a howl from above in his voice and we were too terrified and stunned to move, and then an arrow shot down at our shoulder and pierced deep down within†¦.†The daemon’s voice was fainter, and a groan came from the wounded man. Farder Coram leaned forward and gently pulled back the counterpane, and there protruding from Jacob’s shoulder was the feathered end of an arrow in a mass of clotted blood. The shaft and the head were so deep in the poor man’s chest that only six inches or so remained above the skin. Lyra felt faint. There was the sound of feet and voices outside on the jetty. Farder Coram sat up and said, â€Å"Here’s the physician, Jacob. We’ll leave you now. We’ll have a longer talk when you’re feeling better.†He clasped the woman’s shoulder on the way out. Lyra stuck close to him on the jetty, because there was a crowd gathering already, whispering and pointing. Farder Coram gave orders for Peter Hawker to go at once to John Faa, and then said: â€Å"Lyra, as soon as we know whether Jacob’s going to live or die, we must have another talk about that alethiometer. You go and occupy yourself elsewhere, child; we’ll send for you.†Lyra wandered away on her own, and went to the reedy bank to sit and throw mud into the water. She knew one thing: she was not pleased or proud to be able to read the alethiometer – she was afraid. Whatever power was making that needle swing and stop, it knew things like an intelligent being. â€Å"I reckon it’s a spirit,†Lyra said, and for a moment she was tempted to throw the little thing into the middle of the fen. â€Å"I’d see a spirit if there was one in there,†said Pantalaimon. â€Å"Like that old ghost in Godstow. I saw that when you didn’t.†â€Å"There’s more than one kind of spirit,†said Lyra reprovingly. â€Å"You can’t see all of ’em. Anyway, what about those old dead Scholars without their heads? I saw them, remember.†â€Å"That was only a night-ghast.†â€Å"It was not. They were proper spirits all right, and you know it. But whatever spirits’s moving this blooming needle en’t that sort of spirit.†â€Å"It might not be a spirit,†said Pantalaimon stubbornly. â€Å"Well, what else could it be?†â€Å"It might be†¦it might be elementary particles.†She scoffed. â€Å"It could be!†he insisted. â€Å"You remember that photomill they got at Gabriel? Well, then.†At Gabriel College there was a very holy object kept on the high altar of the oratory, covered (now Lyra thought about it) with a black velvet cloth, like the one around the alethiometer. She had seen it when she accompanied the Librarian of Jordan to a service there. At the height of the invocation the Intercessor lifted the cloth to reveal in the dimness a glass dome inside which there was something too distant to see, until he pulled a string attached to a shutter above, letting a ray of sunlight through to strike the dome exactly. Then it became clear: a little thing like a weathervane, with four sails black on one side and white on the other, that began to whirl around as the light struck it. It illustrated a moral lesson, the Intercessor explained, and went on to explain what that was. Five minutes later Lyra had forgotten the moral, but she hadn’t forgotten the little whirling vanes in the ray of dusty light. They were delightful whatever they meant, and all done by the power of photons, said the Librarian as they walked home to Jordan. So perhaps Pantalaimon was right. If elementary particles could push a photomill around, no doubt they could make light work of a needle; but it still troubled her. â€Å"Lyra! Lyra!†It was Tony Costa, waving to her from the jetty. â€Å"Come over here,†he called. â€Å"You got to go and see John Faa at the Zaal. Run, gal, it’s urgent.†She found John Faa with Farder Coram and the other leaders, looking troubled. John Faa spoke: â€Å"Lyra, child, Farder Coram has told me about your reading of that instrument. And I’m sorry to say that poor Jacob has just died. I think we’re going to have to take you with us after all, against my inclinations. I’m troubled in my mind about it, but there don’t seem to be any alternative. As soon as Jacob’s buried according to custom, we’ll take our way. You understand me, Lyra: you’re a coming too, but it en’t an occasion for joy or jubilation. There’s trouble and danger ahead for all of us. â€Å"I’m a putting you under Farder Coram’s wing. Don’t you be a trouble or a hazard to him, or you’ll be a feeling the force of my wrath. Now cut along and explain to Ma Costa, and hold yourself in readiness to leave.†The next two weeks passed more busily than any time of Lyra’s life so far. Busily, but not quickly, for there were tedious stretches of waiting, of hiding in damp crabbed closets, of watching a dismal rain-soaked autumn landscape roll past the window, of hiding again, of sleeping near the gas fumes of the engine and waking with a sick headache, and worst of all, of never once being allowed out into the air to run along the bank or clamber over the deck or haul at the lock gates or catch a mooring rope thrown from the lockside. Because, of course, she had to remain hidden. Tony Costa told her of the gossip in the waterside pubs: that there was a hunt the length of the kingdom for a little fair-haired girl, with a big reward for her discovery and severe punishment for anyone concealing her. There were strange rumors too: people said she was the only child to have escaped from the Gobblers, and she had terrible secrets in her possession. Another rumor said she wasn’t a human child at all but a pair of spirits in the form of child and daemon, sent to this world by the infernal powers in order to work great ruin; and yet another rumor said it was no child but a fully grown human, shrunk by magic and in the pay of the Tartars, come to spy on good English people and prepare the way for a Tartar invasion. Lyra heard these tales at first with glee and later with despondency. All those people hating and fearing her! And she longed to be out of this narrow boxy cabin. She longed to be north already, in the wide snows under the blazing Aurora. And sometimes she longed to be back at Jordan College, scrambling over the roofs with Roger with the Steward’s bell tolling half an hour to dinnertime and the clatter and sizzle and shouting of the kitchen†¦.Then she wished passionately that nothing had changed, nothing would ever change, that she could be Lyra of Jordan College forever and ever. The one thing that drew her out of her boredom and irritation was the alethiometer. She read it every day, sometimes with Farder Coram and sometimes on her own, and she found that she could sink more and more readily into the calm state in which the symbol meanings clarified themselves, and those great mountain ranges touched by sunlight emerged into vision. She struggled to explain to Farder Coram what it felt like. â€Å"It’s almost like talking to someone, only you can’t quite hear them, and you feel kind of stupid because they’re cleverer than you, only they don’t get cross or any thing†¦. And they know such a lot, Farder Coram! As if they knew everything, almost! Mrs. Coulter was clever, she knew ever such a lot, but this is a different kind of knowing†¦.It’s like understanding, I suppose†¦.†He would ask specific questions, and she would search for answers. â€Å"What’s Mrs. Coulter doing now?†he’d say, and her hands would move at once, and he’d say, â€Å"Tell me what you’re doing.†â€Å"Well, the Madonna is Mrs. Coulter, and I think my mother when I put the hand there; and the ant is busy – that’s easy, that’s the top meaning; and the hourglass has got time in its meanings, and partway down there’s now, and I just fix my mind on it.†â€Å"And how do you know where these meanings are?†â€Å"I kind of see ’em. Or feel ’em rather, like climbing down a ladder at night, you put your foot down and there’s another rung. Well, I put my mind down and there’s another meaning, and I kind of sense what it is. Then I put ’em all together. There’s a trick in it like focusing your eyes.†â€Å"Do that then, and see what it says.†Lyra did. The long needle began to swing at once, and stopped, moved on, stopped again in a precise series of sweeps and pauses. It was a sensation of such grace and power that Lyra, sharing it, felt like a young bird learning to fly. Farder Coram, watching from across the table, noted the places where the needle stopped, and watched the little girl holding her hair back from her face and biting her lower lip just a little, her eyes following the needle at first but then, when its path was settled, looking elsewhere on the dial. Not randomly, though. Farder Coram was a chess player, and he knew how chess players looked at a game in play. An expert player seemed to see lines of force and influence on the board, and looked along the important lines and ignored the weak ones; and Lyra’s eyes moved the same way, according to some similar magnetic field that she could see and he couldn’t. The needle stopped at the thunderbolt, the infant, the serpent, the elephant, and at a creature Lyra couldn’t find a name for: a sort of lizard with big eyes and a tail curled around the twig it stood on. It repeated the sequence time after time, while Lyra watched. â€Å"What’s that lizard mean?†said Farder Coram, breaking into her concentration. â€Å"It don’t make sense†¦.! can see what it says, but I must be misreading it. The thunderbolt I think is anger, and the child †¦I think it’s me†¦l was getting a meaning for that lizard thing, but you talked to me, Farder Coram, and I lost it. See, it’s just floating any old where.†â€Å"Yes, I see that. I’m sorry, Lyra. You tired now? D’you want to stop?†â€Å"No, I don’t,†she said, but her cheeks were flushed and her eyes bright. She had all the signs of fretful overexcitement, and it was made worse by her long confinement in this stuffy cabin. He looked out of the window. It was nearly dark, and they were traveling along the last stretch of inland water before reaching the coast. Wide brown scummed expanses of an estuary extended under a dreary sky to a distant group of coal-spirit tanks, rusty and cobwebbed with pipework, beside a refinery where a thick smear of smoke ascended reluctantly to join the clouds. â€Å"Where are we?†said Lyra. â€Å"Can I go outside just for a bit, Farder Coram?†â€Å"This is Colby water,†he said. â€Å"The estuary of the river Cole. When we reach the town, we’ll tie up by the Smoke-market and go on foot to the docks. We’ll be there in an hour or two†¦.†But it was getting dark, and in the wide desolation of the creek nothing was moving but their own boat and a distant coal barge laboring toward the refinery; and Lyra was so flushed and tired, and she’d been inside for so long; and so Farder Coram went on: â€Å"Well, I don’t suppose it’ll matter just for a few minutes in the open air. I wouldn’t call it fresh; ten’t fresh except when it’s blowing off the sea; but you can sit out on top and look around till we get closer in.†Lyra leaped up, and Pantalaimon became a seagull at once, eager to stretch his wings in the open. It was cold outside, and although she was well wrapped up, Lyra was soon shivering. Pantalaimon, on the other hand, leaped into the air with a loud caw of delight, and wheeled and skimmed and darted now ahead of the boat, now behind the stern. Lyra exulted in it, feeling with him as he flew, and urging him mentally to provoke the old tillerman’s cormorant daemon into a race. But she ignored him and settled down sleepily on the handle of the tiller near her man. There was no life out on this bitter brown expanse, and only the steady chug of the engine and the subdued splashing of the water under the bows broke the wide silence. Heavy clouds hung low without offering rain; the air beneath was grimy with smoke. Only Pantalaimon’s flashing elegance had anything in it of life and joy. As he soared up out of a dive with wide wings white against the gray, something black hurtled at him and struck. He fell sideways in a flutter of shock and pain, and Lyra cried out, feeling it sharply. Another little black thing joined the first; they moved not like birds but like flying beetles, heavy and direct, and with a droning sound. As Pantalaimon fell, trying to twist away and make for the boat and Lyra’s desperate arms, the black things kept driving into him, droning, buzzing, and murderous. Lyra was nearly mad with Pantalaimon’s fear and her own, but then something swept past her and upward. It was the tillerman’s daemon, and clumsy and heavy as she looked, her flight was powerful and swift. Her head snapped this way and that – there was a flutter of black wings, a shiver of white – and a little black thing fell to the tarred roof of the cabin at Lyra’s feet just as Pantalaimon landed on her outstretched hand. Before she could comfort him, he changed into his wildcat shape and sprang down on the creature, batting it back from the edge of the roof, where it was crawling swiftly to escape. Pantalaimon held it firmly down with a needle-filled paw and looked up at the darkening sky, where the black wing flaps of the cormorant were circling higher as she cast around for the other. Then the cormorant glided swiftly back and croaked something to the tillerman, who said, â€Å"It’s gone. Don’t let that other one escape. Here – †and he flung the dregs out of the tin mug he’d been drinking from, and tossed it to Lyra. She clapped it over the creature at once. It buzzed and snarled like a little machine. â€Å"Hold it still,†said Farder Coram from behind her, and then he was kneeling to slip a piece of card under the mug. â€Å"What is it, Farder Coram?†she said shakily. â€Å"Let’s go below and have a look. Take it careful, Lyra. Hold that tight.†She looked at the tillerman’s daemon as she passed, intending to thank her, but her old eyes were closed. She thanked the tillerman instead. â€Å"You oughter stayed below†was all he said. She took the mug into the cabin, where Farder Coram had found a beer glass. He held the tin mug upside down over it and then slipped the card out from between them, so that the creature fell into the glass. He held it up so they could see the angry little thing clearly. It was about as long as Lyra’s thumb, and dark green, not black. Its wing cases were erect, like a ladybird’s about to fly, and the wings inside were beating so furiously that they were only a blur. Its six clawed legs were scrabbling on the smooth glass. â€Å"What is it?†she said. Pantalaimon, a wildcat still, crouched on the table six inches away, his green eyes following it round and round inside the glass. â€Å"If you was to crack it open,†said Farder Coram, â€Å"you’d find no living thing in there. No animal nor insect, at any rate. I seen one of these things afore, and I never thought I’d see one again this far north. Afric things. There’s a clockwork running in there, and pinned to the spring of it, there’s a bad spirit with a spell through its heart.†â€Å"But who sent it?†â€Å"You don’t even need to read the symbols, Lyra; you can guess as easy as I can.†â€Å"Mrs. Coulter?†‘†Course. She en’t only explored up north; there’s strange things aplenty in the southern wild. It was Morocco where I saw one of these last. Deadly dangerous; while the spirit’s in it, it won’t never stop, and when you let the spirit free, it’s so monstrous angry it’ll kill the first thing it gets at.†â€Å"But what was it after?†â€Å"Spying. I was a cursed fool to let you up above. And I should have let you think your way through the symbols without interrupting.†â€Å"I see it now!†said Lyra, suddenly excited. â€Å"It means air, that lizard thing! I saw that, but I couldn’t see why, so I tried to work it out and I lost it.†â€Å"Ah,†said Farder Coram, â€Å"then I see it too. It en’t a lizard, that’s why; it’s a chameleon. And it stands for air because they don’t eat nor drink, they just live on air.†â€Å"And the elephant – â€Å" â€Å"Africa,†he said, and â€Å"Aha.†They looked at each other. With every revelation of the alethiometer’s power, they became more awed by it. â€Å"It was telling us about these things all the time,†said Lyra. â€Å"We oughter listened. But what can we do about this un, Farder Coram? Can we kill it or something?†â€Å"I don’t know as we can do anything. We shall just have to keep him shut up tight in a box and never let him out. What worries me more is the other one, as got away. He’ll be a flying back to Mrs. Coulter now, with the news that he’s seen you. Damn me, Lyra, but I’m a fool.†He rattled about in a cupboard and found a smokeleaf tin about three inches in diameter. It had been used for holding screws, but he tipped those out and wiped the inside with a rag before inverting the glass over it with the card still in place over the mouth. After a tricky moment when one of the creature’s legs escaped and thrust the tin away with surprising strength, they had it captured and the lid screwed down tight. â€Å"As soon’s we get about the ship I’ll run some solder round the edge to make sure of it,†Farder Coram said. â€Å"But don’t clockwork run down?†â€Å"Ordinary clockwork, yes. But like I said, this un’s kept tight wound by the spirit pinned to the end. The more he struggles, the tighter it’s wound, and the stronger the force is. Now let’s put this feller out the way†¦.†He wrapped the tin in a flannel cloth to stifle the incessant buzzing and droning, and stowed it away under his bunk. It was dark now, and Lyra watched through the window as the lights of Colby came closer. The heavy air was thickening into mist, and by the time they tied up at the wharves alongside the Smokemarket everything in sight was softened and blurred. The darkness shaded into pearly silver-gray veils laid over the warehouses and the cranes, the wooden market stalls and the granite many-chimneyed building the market was named after, where day and night fish hung kippering in the fragrant oakwood smoke. The chimneys were contributing their thickness to the clammy air, and the pleasant reek of smoked herring and mackerel and haddock seemed to breathe out of the very cobbles. Lyra, wrapped up in oilskin and with a large hood hiding her revealing hair, walked along between Farder Coram and the tillerman. All three daemons were alert, scouting around corners ahead, watching behind, listening for the slightest footfall. But they were the only figures to be seen. The citizens of Colby were all indoors, probably sipping jenniver beside roaring stoves. They saw no one until they reached the dock, and the first man they saw there was Tony Costa, guarding the gates. â€Å"Thank God you got here,†he said quietly, letting them through. â€Å"We just heard as Jack Verhoeven’s been shot and his boat sunk, and no one’d heard where you was. John Faa’s on board already and jumping to go.†The vessel looked immense to Lyra: a wheelhouse and funnel amidships, a high fo’c’sle and a stout derrick over a canvas-covered hatch; yellow light agleam in the portholes and the bridge, and white light at the masthead; and three or four men on deck, working urgently at things she couldn’t see. She hurried up the wooden gangway ahead of Farder Coram, and looked around with excitement. Pantalaimon became a monkey and clambered up the derrick at once, but she called him down again; Farder Coram wanted them indoors, or below, as you called it on board ship. Down some stairs, or a companionway, there was a small saloon where John Faa was talking quietly with Nicholas Rokeby, the gyptian in charge of the vessel. John Faa did nothing hastily. Lyra was waiting for him to greet her, but he finished his remarks about the tide and pilotage before turning to the incomers. â€Å"Good evening, friends,†he said. â€Å"Poor Jack Verhoeven’s dead, perhaps you’ve heard. And his boys captured.†â€Å"We have bad news too,†said Farder Coram, and told of their encounter with the flying spirits. John Faa shook his great head, but didn’t reproach them. â€Å"Where is the creature now?†he said. Farder Coram took out the leaf tin and laid it on the table. Such a furious buzzing came from it that the tin itself moved slowly over the wood. â€Å"I’ve heard of them clockwork devils, but never seen one,†John Faa said. â€Å"There en’t no way of taming it and turning it back, I do know that much. Nor is it any use weighing it down with lead and dropping it in the ocean, because one day it’d rust through and out the devil would come and make for the child wherever she was. No, we’ll have to keep it by, and exercise our vigilance.†Lyra being the only female on board (for John Faa had decided against taking women, after much thought), she had a cabin to herself. Not a grand cabin, to be sure; in fact, little more than a closet with a bunk and a scuttle, which was the proper name for porthole. She stowed her few things in the drawer below the bunk and ran up excitedly to lean over the rail and watch England vanish behind, only to find that most of England had vanished in the mist before she got there. But the rush of water below, the movement in the air, the ship’s lights glowing bravely in the dark, the rumble of the engine, the smells of salt and fish and coal spirit were exciting enough by themselves. It wasn’t long before another sensation joined them, as the vessel began to roll in the German Ocean swell. When someone called Lyra down for a bite of supper, she found she was less hungry than she’d thought, and presently she decided it would be a good idea to lie down, for Pantalaimon’s sake, because the poor creature was feeling sadly ill at ease. And so began her journey to the North. How to cite The Golden Compass Chapter Nine, Essay examples
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Teacher Merit Pay
The students’ high academic achievements are usually considered as the best results of the good teachers’ performance. However, is it possible to speak about the direct connection between the processes when the teacher’s work is stimulated with the help of money? This principle was discussed as the major one while implementing the new system of merit pay for teachers.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Teacher Merit Pay specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Today, the merit pay program which is provided with basing on the activities of the federal Teacher Incentive Fund (TIF) and the United States Department of Education (USDOE) is one of the most controversial aspects of the educational reform in the United States because of the fact there are no strict evidences which could support the hypothesis that merit pay programs can stimulate the improvement of the teachers’ performance, and this sit uation can lead to the higher students’ results in their studying process (â€Å"Teacher Merit Pay†). Although the teacher’s professionalism and perfect performance are associated with the students’ academic achievements, the United States should not implement merit pay programs for teachers without changing the basics of the educational system because according to the findings of recent researches, there are no direct connections between the students’ performance and teachers’ merit pays due to a range of the other significant factors. The implementation of the merit pay program in the United States cannot be discussed as the guaranty of increasing the students’ performance at school. In spite of the fact the financial compensations and merits can be considered as a kind of stimulation and the reason for increasing the level of the teachers’ motivation, the first results of implementing the practice in the country’ scho ols accentuate the fact that the program does not work. Nancy Protheroe states that â€Å"a primary reason for including a pay for performance component in a teacher compensation system is the belief that it will positively impact student learning†(Protheroe 30). However, Protheroe continues that the positive results of the program’s implementation are too limited to be discussed as the influential ones (Protheroe). The attempts to improve the quality of teaching with the help of merit pay systems should be realized with references to a lot of the other factors which influence the teachers’ performance every day because the changes in the teachers’ approaches can not address the peculiarities of this or that concrete situation in class. The problem is also in the fact that stating that the students’ performance significantly depends on the teachers’ high level of motivation and their approach to the work, those policymakers who develop the new program accentuate one factor with paying no attention to the students’ level of motivation.Advertising Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Thus, relying on the possibility that the compensation for teachers can influence the students’ academic achievements, it is necessary to concentrate on many other aspects of the teaching and studying processes. Analyzing the question of the absence of the program’s positive results, the researchers who specialize in the progress of the educational reform state that â€Å"perhaps merit pay does not contribute to student achievement†(â€Å"Teacher Merit Pay†3). The limited positive effects of implementing the system are predominantly based on the impossibility to change the whole educational system with the help of providing only one innovation because of the system’s complex character. Merit pay systems are effecti ve for the other professions, but their implementation in the educational sphere requires the further research and more deep alternations (Protheroe; Ramirez). Thus, merit pay programs can be implemented in the United States with their depending on the additional reforms in the other fields of the educational system. The financial compensation for a teacher is a good motivator when it is related to a number of the other points. Moreover, Al Ramirez indicates that â€Å"merit pay misses the boat entirely – because good teaching is not about money†(Ramirez 57). The results of the mentioned investigations and the researchers’ conclusions are similar in relation to the idea that the first effects of implementing the merit pay program in the United States are not satisfactory, and they are associated with a lot of aspects as the problem of measurement, the issue of changing the teaching strategies, the question of the appropriate financial support, and the variety o f factors which are beyond the teachers’ control. In spite of the fact the researchers determined definite factors from the limitedness of the first attempts of the program’s implementation to the moral aspects of the question, the conclusions are the same and can be formulated the following way: the program does not work, but it can be examined during the further researches, and then it can be effectively improved. Merit pay programs can be implemented in the United States with changing the priorities and principles of the system because it is rather difficult to find the direct connection between the teachers’ compensations and the high level of the students’ performance. The students’ academic achievements depend on a lot of factors, and the teachers’ motivation and performance are also based on the range of components the proper examination of which can help to provide the well-developed merit pay system because now teachers are not read y to change their approaches to teaching under the impact of the merit.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Teacher Merit Pay specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Works Cited Protheroe, Nancy. â€Å"Performance Pay for Teachers†. Principal 90.4 (2011): 28-34. Print. Ramirez, Al. â€Å"Merit Pay Misfires†. Educational Leadership 68.4 (2011): 55-58. Print. â€Å"Teacher Merit Pay: What Do We Know?†The Progress of Education Reform 11.3 (2010): 1-4. Print. This essay on Teacher Merit Pay was written and submitted by user Eva Ross to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Friday, March 20, 2020
Universal Health Insurance essays
Universal Health Insurance essays In a country with arguably the best medical and scientific research facilities in the world, it is an anomaly that an estimated 44 million Americans do not have the resources for adequate medical care. In fact, the United States holds the dubious honor of being the only advanced industrial nation that does not offer a socialized system of medicine, one that gives its citizens access to universal health care. The growing number of uninsured Americans is a silent crisis that can have long-term effects on society. This paper argues that to avoid this crisis, the United States government must provide a universal health care system, making preventive and medical health treatment available for all The first part of this paper looks at the extent of this problem. The next part then discusses the many factors that contribute to the rise in the number of uninsured Americans. This section argues that contrary to conventional wisdom that uninsured people are lazy, many uninsured Americans are actually hardworking people who simply could not afford money In the second part, the paper evaluates proposals for health care reform, with a special focus on providing universal health insurance. This paper evaluates arguments presented against universal health care, and then looks at the success of such programs in Canada. In the conclusion, the paper argues that similar programs are sorely needed in the United States According to figures from the United States Census Bureau, the percent of uninsured Americans rose to 15 percent of the total United States population. This represents the greatest margin of increase in the past Another survey commissioned by the Kaiser Foundation and the television program Newshour with Jim Lehrer has uncovered more disturbing trends. In 2000, there were an estimated 44 million Americans who were living without any health insura...
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
50 Idioms with Single, Double, and Triple
50 Idioms with Single, Double, and Triple 50 Idioms with Single, Double, and Triple 50 Idioms with Single, Double, and Triple By Mark Nichol The following is a list of idioms about multiplicative numbers (single, double, and triple) and their meanings. 1–2. at a single blow/stroke: with one movement 3–4. at/on the double: quickly 5. body double: someone who stands in for another, especially in a performance 6. double: two servings of an alcoholic beverage, a two-base hit in baseball, or an identical person or thing 7. double as: serve in two capacities 8. double back: return to a starting point 9–10. double bill/feature: a performance involving two works or two performers or groups of performers; a separate meaning of â€Å"double bill†refers to being charged the cost of something twice 11. double bind: a dilemma 12. double booked: committed for two events, or scheduled for two people or parties at the same time 13. double cross: an act of cheating or swindling 14. double date: socialize as two couples, or the act of doing so 15. double digits: the numbers 10 through 99 16. double down: originally, double one’s bet in blackjack; by extension, exert twice the effort 17. double dribble: use both hands to bounce a basketball, or bounce a basketball again after stopping, or the act of committing either penalty 18. double Dutch: a difficult language; also, a game of jump rope involving two ropes swung in different directions 19. double duty: said in reference to something that serves two functions at once 20. double entendre: a word or phrase with more than one meaning, one of which is obscene or sexual 21. double in brass: see â€Å"double duty†(from a reference to a musician who performs on more than one instrument during a performance) 22. double life: a life in which one assumes two identities 23. double nickels: the number 55, often in reference to a speed limit (from the value of a nickel) 24. double or nothing: a type of bet in which a person receives double the prize or nothing 25. double over: bend over, as if in laughter or in pain 26. double standard: principles or values hypocritically applied differently to different people or situations 27. double take: a reaction in which one looks twice at something or someone because one is confused or surprised 28. double talk: comments made to avoid telling the truth 29. double tap: a repeated touch, or repeated firing of a weapon 30. double time: move twice as fast, or cheat; as a noun, a rate of pay that is twice the normal rate, or a type of tempo in music 31. double trouble: a difficult person or thing, or two difficult people or things 32. double up: pair up or share; also, see â€Å"double over†33. double whammy: an occurrence of two bad things at a time 34. double-bagger: a person considered so ugly that two nested grocery bags should be placed over the person’s face to conceal it 35. double-decker: a vehicle with two levels, or a two-layer sandwich 36. double-dipper: one who earns two salaries or collects both Social Security payments and a federal pension; also, one scoops half-eaten finger food in a dip or sauce at the risk of introducing germs 37. double-edged sword: something that might be advantageous but also dangerous 38. double-tongued: deceitful or hypocritical 39. doublespeak: deceitful or misleading language 40–41. H-E-double-hockey-sticks/toothpicks: a euphemism for the oath hell, from the resemblance of the uppercase letter l to hockey sticks or the lowercase letter l to toothpicks 42. of a single mind: in agreement 43. see double: see two of everything, as when affected by dizziness 44. single: an unmarried person, or a one-base hit in baseball 45. single file: a reference to a line of people or things, with each one standing behind another 46. single out: focus on or identify one thing 47. triple: a set of three, or a three-base hit in baseball 48. triple threat: someone talented in three areas 49. triple whammy: see â€Å"double whammy†50. triple-bagger: see double-bagger Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:20 Computer Terms You Should Know50 Idioms About Roads and Paths5 Examples of Insufficient Hyphenation
Sunday, February 16, 2020
Business Assets, Estate and Wealth Planning Essay
Business Assets, Estate and Wealth Planning - Essay Example Succession planning of the business is an important consideration. Bearing in mind the time it takes, the intricacy, and may be the conflicts that may result. The period during which it occurs along with the transfer issues that arise mandates that it is addressed by the business owner. It is vital as it aids in preparing for a smooth departure, and ensure the business conitnues to run for the the customer’s sake. If the business owner wishes to maintain some mandate over the business, then it is the best way to iron out the plan (Goel, 2009). The strategies through which the owner will protect and insure the business are a consideration that help protect the business properties from loss. The cosideration can be used by the owner to resolve financial issues that come up in the course of running the business. Thrugh the consideration, liquidity for taxes like estate taxes is availed and help in decreasing debts. Debts are reduced through the provision of cash flow needed to uphold the business regime (Mentz, 2009). Many business owners fail to outline their stock choice and rules. Hence, in the course of running the business, when they need funds, say to fund vested choices, their selections are limited. Thus, the stock choice planning is a consideration that a business owner should regard. It helps in the execution of ways to create cash and diversify the business fund source (Goel, 2009). A catalogue of account titles harmonized against the transfer strategies is a consideration that aids in planning for the business owner while living and at death. If a business has an improper titling of properties, it may hnder the utilization of trusts, which can avail substantial tax remunerations. Hence, the catalogue is a consideration that cannot be assumed as it helps the business to evade probate and makes sure the business possessions are awarded to the
Monday, February 3, 2020
Identity, belief and contrast between deontological and teleological Essay
Identity, belief and contrast between deontological and teleological ethical systems - Essay Example Teleology, on the other hand is the philosophical study of design, purpose, directive principle, or finality in nature or human creations. Teleology traditionally is contrasted with philosophical naturalism, which views nature as lacking design or purpose. Two classic examples of these opposing views are found in Aristotle and Lucretius, the former as a supporter of teleology and the latter as a supporter of what is now called philosophical naturalism. Apart from these two ideals there are the seven major ethical systems that are regarded as the most ethical of the ethical systems. These are Relativism, Kant's Categorical Imperative, Utilitarianism, Commandments of God, The Children's Ethics, Darwinian Ethics and Rousseau and Nietzsche's idea of will and ideal. Relativism is the ethic of no ethics. It is considered good in educational circles to make studies, especially of controversial topics, "value-free". Whereas, Kant's Categorical Imperative says that to behave ethically, you must act so as to be happy for your actions to be examples of general laws. Similarly, Utilitarianism represents all ethical theories where the goal is maximization of some measure of goodness.
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Integration of Technology in Higher Education
Integration of Technology in Higher Education Abstract The potentials of mobile phone technology are huge and it has opened possibilities and avenues for enhancing knowledge sharing activities among academics in Institutions of Higher Learning (IHLs). However, it was found that there was lack of academic research on the use of mobile phone technologies for knowledge sharing purposes in IHLs. In IHLs, technologies of mobile phones such as cell phones, smart phones, and PDAs provided with interesting features like camera, video, memory, player of MP3, internet approach and finally, presence in a device, by allowing study anywhere, anytime. This paper aimed to understand academics general attitudes towards the use of mobile phone technology in IHLs, to explore the academics perceived usefulness to use mobile phone technology in IHLs, to determine academics perceived ease of use of mobile phone technology in IHLs, to understand academics behavioral intention to use mobile phone technology in IHLs, to identify how will mobile phone technologi es change the work situation of academics, and to identify the possible services that, in their opinion, can improve mobile phone technology and knowledge sharing among academics in IHLs. The overall findings revealed that there were at least four factors could lead to the adoption of mobile phone technology among academics in an Institution of Higher Learning. These factors were; attitudes towards the use of mobile phone technology, perceived usefulness to use mobile phone technology, perceived ease of use of mobile phone technology, and behavioral intention to use mobile phone technology. Keywords: Mobile Phone Technology, Institutions of Higher Learning, Academics 1.0 Introduction In recent years, information technology (IT) usage in universities and colleges is broadly increasing for the purposes of enhancing the administration and teaching and learning efficiencies. As the population of campuses raises, so does the improvement of technologies. In Institutions of Higher Learning (IHLs), technologies of mobile phones such as cell phones, smart phones, PDAs and telephone provided with interesting features like camera, video, memory, player of MP3, internet approach and finally, presence in a device, by allowing study anywhere, anytime (Wilen-Daugenti, 2007). Junior et al. (2008) defined mobile technologies as mobile technologies are exactly what its name refers, i.e., portable technology that can be moved from one place to another without any loss. There are several advantages of mobile technologies. Few of them are the independence in learning at anywhere and anytime, faster and convenient communication as well as rapid access to variety of different sources. Moreover, the ability to conduct impossible experiments in authentic way is truly pleasant. It is safe to experiment with them because the error will only affect in simulation environment (Smidts et al., 2008). According to Naismith et al. (2005), â€Å"mobile technologies are becoming more embedded, ubiquitous and networked, with enhanced capabilities for rich social interactions, context awareness and internet connectivity†(p.6). Additionally, Anderson and Rainie (2008) concluded that the mobile phone technologies will be the most fundamental and compulsory connection device to the internet for everyone in 2020. 2.0 Mobile Phone Technologies in IHLs Academics find mobile phone technologies as their big savior when comes to managing the working tasks. Plenty of important features such as address books, devices of storage of file, cameras, recorder of video and internet added to the working flexibility in IHLs. Todays mobile phones are as influential as computers. According to Nokia (2007), â€Å"Its what computers have become†. Its increase to ubiquity is explained as a †¦stealthy but rapid shift from a telephony device towards a portable, personal media hub that enables an increasing range of personalized and customized communication, entertainment, relationship management and service functions. Its reach is pervasively global and trans-cultural, possibly more so than any other media form including the internet and World Wide Web (Cameron, 2006). Nowadays, it is impossible to resist mobile phone. Each and every aspects of life demand the importance of mobile device. As the international barriers are getting smaller due to globalization, the need of communication is inevitable. Consequently, mobile phone is becoming more and more compulsory and necessary to have. All walks of life celebrate the use of mobile phone technologies, so does the academics. Undeniably, there are myriad of activities for both academics and students provided by mobile phone technologies such as; uploading and downloading of songs, movies and videos to cell phone, MP3 player, iPod, sending and receiving e-mails, instant messages (IMs), short text messages (SMS), transferring files, photos or other data , interactive games, searching for information or services on the web, making video calls, personal organizer (e.g. diary, address book), in-class surveys/questions, in-class media sharing, attendance monitor, distant privileges of library, peer locator, free or inexpensive VoIP phone as well as notification of the security. Academics who have experienced dealing with mobile technologies in working possess several reasons to continue using them. Firstly, to be able to communicate with other people, to seek information, to take pictures and create clips and sharing with others is what most people have become used to (Smidts et al., 2008). The following studies have examined some of the activities of the mobile phone in the IHLs. Corbeil and Valdes-Corbeil (2007) have explored mobile phone activities engaged in by academics and students in their study. According to their findings, these technologies can be applied in many activities such as: uploading and downloading songs/movies/video clips, sending and receiving e-mail, Instant Messages (IMs), Short Text Messages (SMS), transferring files, photos or other data playing the interactive games, transferring photos or other data, downloading Podcasts of appropriate instructive material along with audio and video lectures, reading e-books, reconsidering coursework and getting ready in exams, showing their jobs and sharing plan results, providing visual, adding a microphone to their mobile to capture material for educational use, using an MP3 player to download and listen to Podcasts and audio lectures, and reconsidering the material of courses and studying for exams, audio books and, with some devices as well as the most widely used nowadays which is recording le ctures. Furthermore, findings from studies conducted by Whilst Kennedy et al. (2008a) and Kennedy et al. (2008b), mobile phone technologies allowed users to conduct 9 activities in Institutions of Higher learning as the following: To send pictures or movies to colleagues. To use mobile phone as MP3 player. To access information or services on the web. To make video calls. To take digital photos or movies. To send or receive email. To use mobile phone as a personal organizer (e.g. diary, address book). To send or receive SMS to colleagues. To call the colleagues or others. Besides, according to studies done by Wilen-Daugenti and McKee (2008), mobile phone technologies could be used for many applications for academics and students in both inside and outside the IHLs as example field below; In-Class Surveys/Questions: Students may submit the answers to questions or surveys given by an academic through their mobile phones. In-Class Media Sharing: During lectures, students are able to share interesting pictures or videos to their friends by emailing the files to the lecture halls projector. Attendance Monitor: An academic may demand students to do a virtual â€Å"roll call†by transmitting a message from their mobile phones. Course Materials: During lecture, an academic can directly send the course materials to students phones. Remote Library Privileges: The private privileges of library are also granted to students who can use their mobile phones to search articles without need to use a proxy server  · Peer Locator: Based on networks accuracy, peers may be alerted when their contacts are close by the mobile phones.  · Free or Inexpensive VoIP Calling: Universities may offer cheaper international or local calls made within the campus for students who might really need to do so. Position System: By sharing information contextual about the users actual place, mobile phone serves as a guide of virtual turn which assists the presence of students around the campus. Notification of the Security / Emergency: Depending on the users location, a warning notice is sent immediately to every mobile phone via email and voicemail, by informing the best way to leave the campus or a particular building in case of emergency. Moreover, a study carried out by Duke University (2005) has outlined the major categories of mobile devices employment by the academics as follows: The Instrument of Broadcasting of Lesson Contents- Mobile phone provides access to lessons content such as lectures, songs, historical speeches, conferences and meetings. Tool of Classroom Recording mobile phone can be used as a tool to capture lectures, class discussions and feedbacks. Tool of Supporting Study mobile phone allows academics for repetition of commercial and original audio content, such as music and audio books. Transfer and File Storage mobile phone is able to transfer or backup all sorts of files. Digital Portal: Both academics and students may no longer depend on physical materials. Flexible Location mobile phone provides accessing of digital materials at anywhere and anytime which also contributes to a decreased dependency of library. Digital Recording mobile phone allows convenient digital recording of interviews, field notes, small group discussions and oral assignments. Convenient Tool mobile phone makes students engagement in class discussions, labs, field research, and independent plans much easier.  · Improved Support for Personality Knowledge Preferences and Needs In addition, Duke University (2008) has widened their outlines as follows: Text Messaging: University may send text messages to students to notify them about examination dates for instance. Flexible, Delivery of Mobile Content: students are able to access classes by using their mobile phones in distance learning. Practice Exercises for Study and Review: students may be able to review the materials or quizzes created by the academics in anytime and anywhere. Mobile Creation and Media Publication: students could use their mobile phones to capture images or videos and share them with the entire world by uploading them directly into the Internet. Social Learning in Mobile Network: Facebook, Friendster, and other social networking tools allow users to share their life updates. Students get to interact with the members of a study group across the world.  · Gaming and Simulations: mobile phone is equipped with a feature to keep the academics and students in the games of simulation. Use of Mobile Phone Technologies in the Classroom: students can select answers out of multiple choice questions created by the academics in the classroom. Subsequently, Abilene Christian University (2008) pointed out that mobile phone technologies possess many interesting benefits and have become a standard tool in IHLs. Some of the benefits are summarized as follows: Digital Syllabus: dynamic changes of an individual, the activities of a student or status are allowed Clicker: real-time dynamic class polling or free-form answers are allowed Classroom Communicator: an improved flexibility in classes content and release is allowed Document Reader: an e-Book Internet Communicator: the aggregation of content on the sites of class is facilitated Alert System: a receiving automated information of courses Notes Taker: recording aggregation device for audio recordings is allowed Location Reporter: a college grounds map with active location is reported when needed Attendance Tool: dynamic comment about a users position anywhere anytime is given Business Purposes: wireless communication for bill paying, ticket-buying and bookstore buying or any business related matters are enabled Registrars Office Extension: easy course employment, communication with academic records, and dynamic scoring access are made easier Besides, benefits proposed by Cisco (2008) of a mobile system solution for colleges and universities are as follows: a) easy and convenient communication between academics and students, b) a study is developed beyond a class, by becoming more in collaboration, interactive and dynamic, c) both parties may seek new opportunities to connect resources and training, and d) academics can use context of a study based on interactive mode in managing the approach for students daily. Additionally, by using mobile phone technologies, Lefoe and Olney (2007) and Lefoe et al. (2008) reconsidered academics activities by in IHLs as follows: a) making interview with visiting speakers and return it back to the speaker for editing, d) audio comments, c) setting up mobile phone as database for others to use, d) recording interviews for re-evaluating of issues, e) collecting of thoughtful obviousness of the own teaching of academician to plan for future teaching, f) preparing and carrying the necessary articles needed, g) tutorial roles, h) easier sharing of information to students. Apart from that, Nie (2006) pointed out the potential use of mobile technologies in IHLs as follows: Recorder: students may record their works, interviews, presentations and lectures. Audio: students get to listen to genuine audio materials such as interview, audio book, music, speech and vocabulary. Multimedia: students can access multimedia materials such as film, picture, snap, visual vocabulary etc. Pre-class Resources: academics can create pre-class listening resources containing academic news, review of papers and journal articles, week activities, comments on assignment, etc. Podcasting: allows students to share their own ideas with others. Moreover, Jocelyn et al. (2008) condemned that mobile phone technologies possess many interesting benefits in IHLs as follows: a) academics can access the internet in any time and at any where, b) PDAs enable flexible and timely access to e-learning resources which would lead to empowerment and effective learning, c) academics are enabled to access training resources any time, anywhere, d) academics may hold question and answer sessions via conferences, seminars, workshops, and e) both academics and students can get a real opportunity to make a link between field and college. Finally, BlackBerry (2006) concluded that there are potential benefits of providing mobile access to few applications used by the colleges different departments such as: a) academics may stay in touch and schedule appointments on-the-road, b) healthy data security and remote device management, c) very useful for emergency communications during university trips and d) remote network maintenance via web interface. 3.0 Mobile phone technology and knowledge sharing among academics in IHLs The literature evidenced that mobile phone technologies playing important role in Institutions of Higher Learning. Mobile technologies have opened the door to possibilities and avenues for knowledge sharing by providing a new platform via wireless communication or other ICT applications. Mobile technology may enhance academics functionalities in Institutions of Higher Learning by supporting Externalization and Combination activities. Subsequently, mobile phone technology and knowledge sharing among academics in Institutions of Higher Learning could be demonstrated as follows: Academics can send and receive short text messages (SMS) from each other. The great advantage of using SMS is that it offers just-in-time information Academics can send and receive instant messages (IMs) from each other. Mobile phone offers a way to send instant messages at a much lower cost than traditional SMS messaging. Messages are sent and received by the use of the Internet means that the cost of messages depends only on the quantity of data sent Academics can send and receive e-mail from each other. Mobile phone offers a way to send to receive emails E-mails are sent and received by the use of the Internet means that the cost of mail depends only on the quantity of data sent Academics can share administrative information with colleague. Mobile phone technologies enhance communications among academics on campus. Through mobile devices, academics can receive administrative information such as announcements and urgent messages from faculty or university Academics can share and listen to Podcasts/audio books with colleague Academics can share downloads and view streaming movies/video clips Mobile phone technology can be used as peer locators, alerting academics when their contacts are nearby. Mobile phone technology represents a classroom communicator that enables increased flexibility in course content and delivery among academics. Academics can create pre-class listening resources containing academic news, review of papers and journal articles, week activities, comments on assignment, etc Academics can create memos which can be sent to colleague from mobile or saved onto his/her office computer Academics have ability to read work related documents via PDF, HTML, and Microsoft Office files Academics can record conferences, seminars, workshops, symposiums , interviews, lectures and sent it to his/her colleague through mobile device Academics can share e-books, journals, or other academic materials Academics can publish e-books and e-papers University can set up mobile phone technologies as database for academics to download documents, applications and university roles Academics can share with colleagues research findings Academics can use the micro web browser for conducting quick research online Academics can stay connected to social networking sites in mobile environment Academics can use a mobile phone technology to send pictures or movies to each other. Mobile technology provides an opportunity for the new generation of people with better communication and activities without taking into account the place and time. This section has outlined the potential use of mobile phone technologies among academics in IHLs. The benefits of mobile phone technologies have been broadly discussed in general. Additionally, this section has evidenced most studies related to the benefits of mobile phones usage among students. Ultimately, this section shows that there are a few studies to examine the benefits of the mobile phone technologies among academics. Despite the advantages of mobile phone technology are clear, only a small number of Institutions of Higher Learning are equipped with integrated mobile phone technologies in their environments (Joan John, 2007; Kim et al., 2006; New Media Consortium, 2007). Figueira (2007) pointed that as of August 2007, however, there are no universities or degree awarding programs with a website designed for downloading on a mobile device (p.1). Sufficient technological means to access mobile devices are not widely used by the academics in Institutions of Higher Learning (Junior et al., 2008). In 2007, Peters conducted a research to 29 manufacturers of mobile devices, businesses and education suppliers and found that mobile phone technologies are in general used in some commercial organizations, but found limited adoption for Institutions of higher learning use. The purpose of this study is to understand academics general attitudes towards the use of mobile phone technology in IHLs, to explore the academics perceived usefulness to use mobile phone technology in IHLs, to determine academics perceived ease of use of mobile phone technology in IHLs, to understand academics behavioral intention to use mobile phone technology in IHLs, to identify how will mobile phone technologies change the work situation of academics, and to identify the possible services that, in their opinion, can improve mobile phone technology and knowledge sharing among academics in IHLs. 4.0 Research Methodology Both primary and secondary data were collected for this research. The primary data was collected by distributing questionnaires to the academics in University Utara Malaysia (UUM). UUM is a public Institution of Higher Learning located n the northern region of Malaysia. The sample of this study was the academics that come from Public Institution of Higher Learning (PIHL). Those academics are different in terms of their academic designation: Tutor, Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor, and Professor. A total of 290 questionnaires were distributed to all academics in UUM. The sampling was based on convenience and 153 participants successfully responded, giving a response rate of 52.7 %. The analysis of the survey results is presented based on a valid response of 153 academics of University Utara Malaysia. Data collection for this study was undertaken during the month of May 2009. In gathering information pertaining to the study; a questionnaire was used as the main instrument for data collection in this study. a questionnaire was prepared divided into seven sections as follows: Section 1 was not containing any personally identifiable questions. The demographic and background variables used in this study are gender, status, age, designation, availability of devices, period of time in using device, academics opinion about devices price, academics opinion about devices, usefulness and effectiveness role in the work, connecting to internet through device, and academics preferences for mobile phone functions. This section was adapted from Avenoglu (2005) and Trifonova (2006). Section 2: contains questions that targeted at attitudes towards the use of mobile phone technology in Institutions of Higher Leaning. The respondents were given a list of six items to assess their opinions and attitu des to use mobile phone technology. Questions were adapted from Kurnia et al. (2008) and Avenoglu (2005). Section 3: contains questions concerning the perceived usefulness to use mobile phone technology. Five items were used to measure the respondents perception toward the usefulness to use mobile phone technology. Questions were adapted from Kurnia et al. (2008) and Trifonova (2006). Section 4: contains questions that targeted at the perceived ease of use of mobile phone technology. Three items were used to measure the respondents perception that used mobile phone technology and found it easy to use. Questions were adapted from Kurnia et al. (2008) and Trifonova (2006). Section 5: contains questions about behavioral intention to use mobile phone technology in Institutions of Higher Leaning. Four items were used to measure behavioral intention of the respondents towards using of mobile phone technology. Questions were adapted form Kurnia et al. (2008). Section 6: contains questions that are related to how can mobile phone technology change the work situation of academics in Institutions of Higher Leaning. Ten items were used to measure the respondents opinions about how can mobile phone technology increases the flexibility and the ability to work on the move. Questions were adapted form Dye et al. (2003). Section 7: contains statements that targeted to mobile phone technology and knowledge sharing among academics in Institutions of Higher Learning. The respondents were given a list of eighteen statements to assess their opinions and potential use of mobile phone technology for knowledge sharing among academics in Institution of Higher Learning. All Questions in this section were chosen from the interview with academics. A five point Likert scale type was used in this study and the academics were required to state the extent to which statements in their point of view were important or not important for them as academics. The Scale was (SD= Strongly Disagree, D = Disagree, N = Neutral, A = Agree, and SA = Strongly Agree). In this study, the questionnaire was pilot tested with 30 UUM academic staff. The table 1 shows the Cronbachs alpha coefficient for section 2, section 3, section 4, section 5, section 6 and section 7. Table 1: Reliability Cronbachs Alpha (ÃŽ ±) for Questionnaires Six Sections The Item Cronbachs Alpha (ÃŽ ±) Reliability Results Section 2 0.891 Good Section 3 0.840 Good Section 4 0.820 Good Section 5 0.805 Good Section 6 0.894 Good Section 7 0.883 Good 5.0 Data Analysis and Results 5.1 Respondents Profile and Background Information Based on the demographics and other personal background information obtained, out of 153 respondents 61.0 % were females. The most of the respondents were married 74 %. 36.4 % of the respondents were 41 to 50 years old and 30.5 % were 31 to 40 years old. Most of the respondents were Lecturers position 39.0 %, following by Senior Lecturers 26.0 %, Tutor 18.2 %, and Associate Professor 16.9 %. Table 2 below gives respondents demographic profile: Table 2: Respondents Demographic Profile Respondents Profile Classification Frequency % Gender Male 60 39 Female 94 61 Status Married 114 74 Unmarried 40 26 Age 20-30 33 21.4 31-40 47 30.5 41-50 56 36.4 Above 50 18 11.7 Designation Tutor 28 18.2 Lecturer 60 39.0 Senior Lecturer 40 26.0 Associate Professor 26 16.9 5.1.2 Availability of Devices The study (refer to 1) shows that 98 % of academics had Cell phone, 36 % PDA, 10 % Smart phone, and 2 % Pocket PC. The study also shows that there were more that 40 % of academics had more that one device, for instance, 33 % of academics had Cell phone and PDA device, 9 % of academics had Cell phone and Smart phone, and 3 % of academics had Cell phone, Smart phone and PDA in one time. 5.1.3 Period in Using Device The study (refer to 2) shows that 50.6 % of academics had Cell phone for more than 8 years, 30 % had Cell phone between 6 to 8 years, 13.6 % had Cell phone between 3 to 5 years, and 0.6 % had Cell phone less than one year. As well, it shows that 2.6 % of academics had Smart phone between 3 to 5 years, 5.2 % had Smart phone between 1 to 2 years, 2.0 % of academics had Smart phone less than one year. In addition, it shows that 3.2. % of academics had PDA device between 6 to 8 years, 7.1 % of academics had PDA device between 3 to 5 years, 19.4 % had PDA device between 1 to 2 years, and 6.5 % of academics had PDA device less than one year. Finally, only three participants 2.0 % had Pocket PC between 1 to 2 years. 5.1.4 Opinion about the Price In view of academics opinion about prices of devices, the general opinion was that Cell phones had reasonable price, were 77.8 % preferred that Cell phone had normal price and 22.8 % refer that Cell phone had low price. In addition, Smart phone, PDAs, and Pocket PC were considered costly price (for Smart phone 58.44 %, for PDAs 61.04 %, and for Pocket PC 64.94 %). Furthermore, a few academics had no opinion on the prices for smart phones, PDAs, and Pocket PC (for Smart phones 4 %, PDAs 5.19 %, and Pocket PC 2.60 %). 3 and shows the academics opinion about devices prices. 5.1.5 The Usefulness and Effectiveness Role of Mobile Phone Technologies in the Work The study (refer to 4) shows that the majority of respondents 97.4 % considered that mobile devices can play a useful and effective role in their daily work. While 0.6 % considered that mobile devices cannot play a useful and effective role in their daily work, and only 1.9 % were not sure about the usefulness and effectiveness of mobile device role in their work. These results indicate that academics had positive opinions regarding using mobile phone technologies in their work, and these results can support researchers opinion about the importance and usefulness of this study in IHLs environment, and to stand up to the factors that could help passing mobile phone technologies in IHLs. 5.1.6 Connecting to Internet though Mobile Phone Technologies 5 shows that the majority of respondents 75.3 % were connecting to internet though mobile phone technologies, and only 24.7 % were not connecting to internet through mobile phone technologies. As evidenced by various studies mentioned above, mobile phone technologies give opportunity to academics to connect to internet and to the world any time anywhere. In addition, mobile phone technologies could able to increase the range of personalized and customized communication, entertainment, relationship management and service function 5.1.7 Academics Preferences of Mobile Phone Functions The academics in this section were given a list of fifteen mobile phone functions and they had to choose one or more of these functions. The results are shown in table 3. Today mobile phone technologies provide a wide range of services. Among these services, a researcher can demonstrate; browsing the Web, MMS, games, alarm/reminder, calling, listening to music, voice recorder, chatting, calendar, camera, phone book, SMS, sending e-mail, dictionary, audio file storage. According to the findings, 100 % of respondents preferred that the function of calling was the most important function, where 98 % preferred that the second important function was SMS. In addition, the findings show that the respondents who choose calendar were 79 %, camera 77 %, alarm/reminder 75 %, phone book 70 %, listening to music 61 %, browsing the Web 53 %, games and sending e-mail 42 %, MMS 41 %, voice recorder 38%, dictionary and audio file storage 29%, and chatting 21 %. Table 3: Academics Preference of Mobile Phone Functions No. Mobile Phone Functions % 1 Calling 100% 2 SMS 98% 3 Calendar 79% 4 Camera 77% 5 Alarm/reminder 75% 6 Phone book 70% 7 Listening to music 61% 8 Browsing the Web 53% 9 Games 42% 10 Sending e-mail 42% 11 MMS 41% 12 Voice recorder 38% 13 Dictionary 29% 14 Audio file storage 29% 15 Chatting 21% 5.2 Attitudes towards the Use of Mobile Phone Technology in IHLs The respondents were given a list of six items to assess their opinions and attitudes toward using mobile phone tec Integration of Technology in Higher Education Integration of Technology in Higher Education Abstract The potentials of mobile phone technology are huge and it has opened possibilities and avenues for enhancing knowledge sharing activities among academics in Institutions of Higher Learning (IHLs). However, it was found that there was lack of academic research on the use of mobile phone technologies for knowledge sharing purposes in IHLs. In IHLs, technologies of mobile phones such as cell phones, smart phones, and PDAs provided with interesting features like camera, video, memory, player of MP3, internet approach and finally, presence in a device, by allowing study anywhere, anytime. This paper aimed to understand academics general attitudes towards the use of mobile phone technology in IHLs, to explore the academics perceived usefulness to use mobile phone technology in IHLs, to determine academics perceived ease of use of mobile phone technology in IHLs, to understand academics behavioral intention to use mobile phone technology in IHLs, to identify how will mobile phone technologi es change the work situation of academics, and to identify the possible services that, in their opinion, can improve mobile phone technology and knowledge sharing among academics in IHLs. The overall findings revealed that there were at least four factors could lead to the adoption of mobile phone technology among academics in an Institution of Higher Learning. These factors were; attitudes towards the use of mobile phone technology, perceived usefulness to use mobile phone technology, perceived ease of use of mobile phone technology, and behavioral intention to use mobile phone technology. Keywords: Mobile Phone Technology, Institutions of Higher Learning, Academics 1.0 Introduction In recent years, information technology (IT) usage in universities and colleges is broadly increasing for the purposes of enhancing the administration and teaching and learning efficiencies. As the population of campuses raises, so does the improvement of technologies. In Institutions of Higher Learning (IHLs), technologies of mobile phones such as cell phones, smart phones, PDAs and telephone provided with interesting features like camera, video, memory, player of MP3, internet approach and finally, presence in a device, by allowing study anywhere, anytime (Wilen-Daugenti, 2007). Junior et al. (2008) defined mobile technologies as mobile technologies are exactly what its name refers, i.e., portable technology that can be moved from one place to another without any loss. There are several advantages of mobile technologies. Few of them are the independence in learning at anywhere and anytime, faster and convenient communication as well as rapid access to variety of different sources. Moreover, the ability to conduct impossible experiments in authentic way is truly pleasant. It is safe to experiment with them because the error will only affect in simulation environment (Smidts et al., 2008). According to Naismith et al. (2005), â€Å"mobile technologies are becoming more embedded, ubiquitous and networked, with enhanced capabilities for rich social interactions, context awareness and internet connectivity†(p.6). Additionally, Anderson and Rainie (2008) concluded that the mobile phone technologies will be the most fundamental and compulsory connection device to the internet for everyone in 2020. 2.0 Mobile Phone Technologies in IHLs Academics find mobile phone technologies as their big savior when comes to managing the working tasks. Plenty of important features such as address books, devices of storage of file, cameras, recorder of video and internet added to the working flexibility in IHLs. Todays mobile phones are as influential as computers. According to Nokia (2007), â€Å"Its what computers have become†. Its increase to ubiquity is explained as a †¦stealthy but rapid shift from a telephony device towards a portable, personal media hub that enables an increasing range of personalized and customized communication, entertainment, relationship management and service functions. Its reach is pervasively global and trans-cultural, possibly more so than any other media form including the internet and World Wide Web (Cameron, 2006). Nowadays, it is impossible to resist mobile phone. Each and every aspects of life demand the importance of mobile device. As the international barriers are getting smaller due to globalization, the need of communication is inevitable. Consequently, mobile phone is becoming more and more compulsory and necessary to have. All walks of life celebrate the use of mobile phone technologies, so does the academics. Undeniably, there are myriad of activities for both academics and students provided by mobile phone technologies such as; uploading and downloading of songs, movies and videos to cell phone, MP3 player, iPod, sending and receiving e-mails, instant messages (IMs), short text messages (SMS), transferring files, photos or other data , interactive games, searching for information or services on the web, making video calls, personal organizer (e.g. diary, address book), in-class surveys/questions, in-class media sharing, attendance monitor, distant privileges of library, peer locator, free or inexpensive VoIP phone as well as notification of the security. Academics who have experienced dealing with mobile technologies in working possess several reasons to continue using them. Firstly, to be able to communicate with other people, to seek information, to take pictures and create clips and sharing with others is what most people have become used to (Smidts et al., 2008). The following studies have examined some of the activities of the mobile phone in the IHLs. Corbeil and Valdes-Corbeil (2007) have explored mobile phone activities engaged in by academics and students in their study. According to their findings, these technologies can be applied in many activities such as: uploading and downloading songs/movies/video clips, sending and receiving e-mail, Instant Messages (IMs), Short Text Messages (SMS), transferring files, photos or other data playing the interactive games, transferring photos or other data, downloading Podcasts of appropriate instructive material along with audio and video lectures, reading e-books, reconsidering coursework and getting ready in exams, showing their jobs and sharing plan results, providing visual, adding a microphone to their mobile to capture material for educational use, using an MP3 player to download and listen to Podcasts and audio lectures, and reconsidering the material of courses and studying for exams, audio books and, with some devices as well as the most widely used nowadays which is recording le ctures. Furthermore, findings from studies conducted by Whilst Kennedy et al. (2008a) and Kennedy et al. (2008b), mobile phone technologies allowed users to conduct 9 activities in Institutions of Higher learning as the following: To send pictures or movies to colleagues. To use mobile phone as MP3 player. To access information or services on the web. To make video calls. To take digital photos or movies. To send or receive email. To use mobile phone as a personal organizer (e.g. diary, address book). To send or receive SMS to colleagues. To call the colleagues or others. Besides, according to studies done by Wilen-Daugenti and McKee (2008), mobile phone technologies could be used for many applications for academics and students in both inside and outside the IHLs as example field below; In-Class Surveys/Questions: Students may submit the answers to questions or surveys given by an academic through their mobile phones. In-Class Media Sharing: During lectures, students are able to share interesting pictures or videos to their friends by emailing the files to the lecture halls projector. Attendance Monitor: An academic may demand students to do a virtual â€Å"roll call†by transmitting a message from their mobile phones. Course Materials: During lecture, an academic can directly send the course materials to students phones. Remote Library Privileges: The private privileges of library are also granted to students who can use their mobile phones to search articles without need to use a proxy server  · Peer Locator: Based on networks accuracy, peers may be alerted when their contacts are close by the mobile phones.  · Free or Inexpensive VoIP Calling: Universities may offer cheaper international or local calls made within the campus for students who might really need to do so. Position System: By sharing information contextual about the users actual place, mobile phone serves as a guide of virtual turn which assists the presence of students around the campus. Notification of the Security / Emergency: Depending on the users location, a warning notice is sent immediately to every mobile phone via email and voicemail, by informing the best way to leave the campus or a particular building in case of emergency. Moreover, a study carried out by Duke University (2005) has outlined the major categories of mobile devices employment by the academics as follows: The Instrument of Broadcasting of Lesson Contents- Mobile phone provides access to lessons content such as lectures, songs, historical speeches, conferences and meetings. Tool of Classroom Recording mobile phone can be used as a tool to capture lectures, class discussions and feedbacks. Tool of Supporting Study mobile phone allows academics for repetition of commercial and original audio content, such as music and audio books. Transfer and File Storage mobile phone is able to transfer or backup all sorts of files. Digital Portal: Both academics and students may no longer depend on physical materials. Flexible Location mobile phone provides accessing of digital materials at anywhere and anytime which also contributes to a decreased dependency of library. Digital Recording mobile phone allows convenient digital recording of interviews, field notes, small group discussions and oral assignments. Convenient Tool mobile phone makes students engagement in class discussions, labs, field research, and independent plans much easier.  · Improved Support for Personality Knowledge Preferences and Needs In addition, Duke University (2008) has widened their outlines as follows: Text Messaging: University may send text messages to students to notify them about examination dates for instance. Flexible, Delivery of Mobile Content: students are able to access classes by using their mobile phones in distance learning. Practice Exercises for Study and Review: students may be able to review the materials or quizzes created by the academics in anytime and anywhere. Mobile Creation and Media Publication: students could use their mobile phones to capture images or videos and share them with the entire world by uploading them directly into the Internet. Social Learning in Mobile Network: Facebook, Friendster, and other social networking tools allow users to share their life updates. Students get to interact with the members of a study group across the world.  · Gaming and Simulations: mobile phone is equipped with a feature to keep the academics and students in the games of simulation. Use of Mobile Phone Technologies in the Classroom: students can select answers out of multiple choice questions created by the academics in the classroom. Subsequently, Abilene Christian University (2008) pointed out that mobile phone technologies possess many interesting benefits and have become a standard tool in IHLs. Some of the benefits are summarized as follows: Digital Syllabus: dynamic changes of an individual, the activities of a student or status are allowed Clicker: real-time dynamic class polling or free-form answers are allowed Classroom Communicator: an improved flexibility in classes content and release is allowed Document Reader: an e-Book Internet Communicator: the aggregation of content on the sites of class is facilitated Alert System: a receiving automated information of courses Notes Taker: recording aggregation device for audio recordings is allowed Location Reporter: a college grounds map with active location is reported when needed Attendance Tool: dynamic comment about a users position anywhere anytime is given Business Purposes: wireless communication for bill paying, ticket-buying and bookstore buying or any business related matters are enabled Registrars Office Extension: easy course employment, communication with academic records, and dynamic scoring access are made easier Besides, benefits proposed by Cisco (2008) of a mobile system solution for colleges and universities are as follows: a) easy and convenient communication between academics and students, b) a study is developed beyond a class, by becoming more in collaboration, interactive and dynamic, c) both parties may seek new opportunities to connect resources and training, and d) academics can use context of a study based on interactive mode in managing the approach for students daily. Additionally, by using mobile phone technologies, Lefoe and Olney (2007) and Lefoe et al. (2008) reconsidered academics activities by in IHLs as follows: a) making interview with visiting speakers and return it back to the speaker for editing, d) audio comments, c) setting up mobile phone as database for others to use, d) recording interviews for re-evaluating of issues, e) collecting of thoughtful obviousness of the own teaching of academician to plan for future teaching, f) preparing and carrying the necessary articles needed, g) tutorial roles, h) easier sharing of information to students. Apart from that, Nie (2006) pointed out the potential use of mobile technologies in IHLs as follows: Recorder: students may record their works, interviews, presentations and lectures. Audio: students get to listen to genuine audio materials such as interview, audio book, music, speech and vocabulary. Multimedia: students can access multimedia materials such as film, picture, snap, visual vocabulary etc. Pre-class Resources: academics can create pre-class listening resources containing academic news, review of papers and journal articles, week activities, comments on assignment, etc. Podcasting: allows students to share their own ideas with others. Moreover, Jocelyn et al. (2008) condemned that mobile phone technologies possess many interesting benefits in IHLs as follows: a) academics can access the internet in any time and at any where, b) PDAs enable flexible and timely access to e-learning resources which would lead to empowerment and effective learning, c) academics are enabled to access training resources any time, anywhere, d) academics may hold question and answer sessions via conferences, seminars, workshops, and e) both academics and students can get a real opportunity to make a link between field and college. Finally, BlackBerry (2006) concluded that there are potential benefits of providing mobile access to few applications used by the colleges different departments such as: a) academics may stay in touch and schedule appointments on-the-road, b) healthy data security and remote device management, c) very useful for emergency communications during university trips and d) remote network maintenance via web interface. 3.0 Mobile phone technology and knowledge sharing among academics in IHLs The literature evidenced that mobile phone technologies playing important role in Institutions of Higher Learning. Mobile technologies have opened the door to possibilities and avenues for knowledge sharing by providing a new platform via wireless communication or other ICT applications. Mobile technology may enhance academics functionalities in Institutions of Higher Learning by supporting Externalization and Combination activities. Subsequently, mobile phone technology and knowledge sharing among academics in Institutions of Higher Learning could be demonstrated as follows: Academics can send and receive short text messages (SMS) from each other. The great advantage of using SMS is that it offers just-in-time information Academics can send and receive instant messages (IMs) from each other. Mobile phone offers a way to send instant messages at a much lower cost than traditional SMS messaging. Messages are sent and received by the use of the Internet means that the cost of messages depends only on the quantity of data sent Academics can send and receive e-mail from each other. Mobile phone offers a way to send to receive emails E-mails are sent and received by the use of the Internet means that the cost of mail depends only on the quantity of data sent Academics can share administrative information with colleague. Mobile phone technologies enhance communications among academics on campus. Through mobile devices, academics can receive administrative information such as announcements and urgent messages from faculty or university Academics can share and listen to Podcasts/audio books with colleague Academics can share downloads and view streaming movies/video clips Mobile phone technology can be used as peer locators, alerting academics when their contacts are nearby. Mobile phone technology represents a classroom communicator that enables increased flexibility in course content and delivery among academics. Academics can create pre-class listening resources containing academic news, review of papers and journal articles, week activities, comments on assignment, etc Academics can create memos which can be sent to colleague from mobile or saved onto his/her office computer Academics have ability to read work related documents via PDF, HTML, and Microsoft Office files Academics can record conferences, seminars, workshops, symposiums , interviews, lectures and sent it to his/her colleague through mobile device Academics can share e-books, journals, or other academic materials Academics can publish e-books and e-papers University can set up mobile phone technologies as database for academics to download documents, applications and university roles Academics can share with colleagues research findings Academics can use the micro web browser for conducting quick research online Academics can stay connected to social networking sites in mobile environment Academics can use a mobile phone technology to send pictures or movies to each other. Mobile technology provides an opportunity for the new generation of people with better communication and activities without taking into account the place and time. This section has outlined the potential use of mobile phone technologies among academics in IHLs. The benefits of mobile phone technologies have been broadly discussed in general. Additionally, this section has evidenced most studies related to the benefits of mobile phones usage among students. Ultimately, this section shows that there are a few studies to examine the benefits of the mobile phone technologies among academics. Despite the advantages of mobile phone technology are clear, only a small number of Institutions of Higher Learning are equipped with integrated mobile phone technologies in their environments (Joan John, 2007; Kim et al., 2006; New Media Consortium, 2007). Figueira (2007) pointed that as of August 2007, however, there are no universities or degree awarding programs with a website designed for downloading on a mobile device (p.1). Sufficient technological means to access mobile devices are not widely used by the academics in Institutions of Higher Learning (Junior et al., 2008). In 2007, Peters conducted a research to 29 manufacturers of mobile devices, businesses and education suppliers and found that mobile phone technologies are in general used in some commercial organizations, but found limited adoption for Institutions of higher learning use. The purpose of this study is to understand academics general attitudes towards the use of mobile phone technology in IHLs, to explore the academics perceived usefulness to use mobile phone technology in IHLs, to determine academics perceived ease of use of mobile phone technology in IHLs, to understand academics behavioral intention to use mobile phone technology in IHLs, to identify how will mobile phone technologies change the work situation of academics, and to identify the possible services that, in their opinion, can improve mobile phone technology and knowledge sharing among academics in IHLs. 4.0 Research Methodology Both primary and secondary data were collected for this research. The primary data was collected by distributing questionnaires to the academics in University Utara Malaysia (UUM). UUM is a public Institution of Higher Learning located n the northern region of Malaysia. The sample of this study was the academics that come from Public Institution of Higher Learning (PIHL). Those academics are different in terms of their academic designation: Tutor, Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor, and Professor. A total of 290 questionnaires were distributed to all academics in UUM. The sampling was based on convenience and 153 participants successfully responded, giving a response rate of 52.7 %. The analysis of the survey results is presented based on a valid response of 153 academics of University Utara Malaysia. Data collection for this study was undertaken during the month of May 2009. In gathering information pertaining to the study; a questionnaire was used as the main instrument for data collection in this study. a questionnaire was prepared divided into seven sections as follows: Section 1 was not containing any personally identifiable questions. The demographic and background variables used in this study are gender, status, age, designation, availability of devices, period of time in using device, academics opinion about devices price, academics opinion about devices, usefulness and effectiveness role in the work, connecting to internet through device, and academics preferences for mobile phone functions. This section was adapted from Avenoglu (2005) and Trifonova (2006). Section 2: contains questions that targeted at attitudes towards the use of mobile phone technology in Institutions of Higher Leaning. The respondents were given a list of six items to assess their opinions and attitu des to use mobile phone technology. Questions were adapted from Kurnia et al. (2008) and Avenoglu (2005). Section 3: contains questions concerning the perceived usefulness to use mobile phone technology. Five items were used to measure the respondents perception toward the usefulness to use mobile phone technology. Questions were adapted from Kurnia et al. (2008) and Trifonova (2006). Section 4: contains questions that targeted at the perceived ease of use of mobile phone technology. Three items were used to measure the respondents perception that used mobile phone technology and found it easy to use. Questions were adapted from Kurnia et al. (2008) and Trifonova (2006). Section 5: contains questions about behavioral intention to use mobile phone technology in Institutions of Higher Leaning. Four items were used to measure behavioral intention of the respondents towards using of mobile phone technology. Questions were adapted form Kurnia et al. (2008). Section 6: contains questions that are related to how can mobile phone technology change the work situation of academics in Institutions of Higher Leaning. Ten items were used to measure the respondents opinions about how can mobile phone technology increases the flexibility and the ability to work on the move. Questions were adapted form Dye et al. (2003). Section 7: contains statements that targeted to mobile phone technology and knowledge sharing among academics in Institutions of Higher Learning. The respondents were given a list of eighteen statements to assess their opinions and potential use of mobile phone technology for knowledge sharing among academics in Institution of Higher Learning. All Questions in this section were chosen from the interview with academics. A five point Likert scale type was used in this study and the academics were required to state the extent to which statements in their point of view were important or not important for them as academics. The Scale was (SD= Strongly Disagree, D = Disagree, N = Neutral, A = Agree, and SA = Strongly Agree). In this study, the questionnaire was pilot tested with 30 UUM academic staff. The table 1 shows the Cronbachs alpha coefficient for section 2, section 3, section 4, section 5, section 6 and section 7. Table 1: Reliability Cronbachs Alpha (ÃŽ ±) for Questionnaires Six Sections The Item Cronbachs Alpha (ÃŽ ±) Reliability Results Section 2 0.891 Good Section 3 0.840 Good Section 4 0.820 Good Section 5 0.805 Good Section 6 0.894 Good Section 7 0.883 Good 5.0 Data Analysis and Results 5.1 Respondents Profile and Background Information Based on the demographics and other personal background information obtained, out of 153 respondents 61.0 % were females. The most of the respondents were married 74 %. 36.4 % of the respondents were 41 to 50 years old and 30.5 % were 31 to 40 years old. Most of the respondents were Lecturers position 39.0 %, following by Senior Lecturers 26.0 %, Tutor 18.2 %, and Associate Professor 16.9 %. Table 2 below gives respondents demographic profile: Table 2: Respondents Demographic Profile Respondents Profile Classification Frequency % Gender Male 60 39 Female 94 61 Status Married 114 74 Unmarried 40 26 Age 20-30 33 21.4 31-40 47 30.5 41-50 56 36.4 Above 50 18 11.7 Designation Tutor 28 18.2 Lecturer 60 39.0 Senior Lecturer 40 26.0 Associate Professor 26 16.9 5.1.2 Availability of Devices The study (refer to 1) shows that 98 % of academics had Cell phone, 36 % PDA, 10 % Smart phone, and 2 % Pocket PC. The study also shows that there were more that 40 % of academics had more that one device, for instance, 33 % of academics had Cell phone and PDA device, 9 % of academics had Cell phone and Smart phone, and 3 % of academics had Cell phone, Smart phone and PDA in one time. 5.1.3 Period in Using Device The study (refer to 2) shows that 50.6 % of academics had Cell phone for more than 8 years, 30 % had Cell phone between 6 to 8 years, 13.6 % had Cell phone between 3 to 5 years, and 0.6 % had Cell phone less than one year. As well, it shows that 2.6 % of academics had Smart phone between 3 to 5 years, 5.2 % had Smart phone between 1 to 2 years, 2.0 % of academics had Smart phone less than one year. In addition, it shows that 3.2. % of academics had PDA device between 6 to 8 years, 7.1 % of academics had PDA device between 3 to 5 years, 19.4 % had PDA device between 1 to 2 years, and 6.5 % of academics had PDA device less than one year. Finally, only three participants 2.0 % had Pocket PC between 1 to 2 years. 5.1.4 Opinion about the Price In view of academics opinion about prices of devices, the general opinion was that Cell phones had reasonable price, were 77.8 % preferred that Cell phone had normal price and 22.8 % refer that Cell phone had low price. In addition, Smart phone, PDAs, and Pocket PC were considered costly price (for Smart phone 58.44 %, for PDAs 61.04 %, and for Pocket PC 64.94 %). Furthermore, a few academics had no opinion on the prices for smart phones, PDAs, and Pocket PC (for Smart phones 4 %, PDAs 5.19 %, and Pocket PC 2.60 %). 3 and shows the academics opinion about devices prices. 5.1.5 The Usefulness and Effectiveness Role of Mobile Phone Technologies in the Work The study (refer to 4) shows that the majority of respondents 97.4 % considered that mobile devices can play a useful and effective role in their daily work. While 0.6 % considered that mobile devices cannot play a useful and effective role in their daily work, and only 1.9 % were not sure about the usefulness and effectiveness of mobile device role in their work. These results indicate that academics had positive opinions regarding using mobile phone technologies in their work, and these results can support researchers opinion about the importance and usefulness of this study in IHLs environment, and to stand up to the factors that could help passing mobile phone technologies in IHLs. 5.1.6 Connecting to Internet though Mobile Phone Technologies 5 shows that the majority of respondents 75.3 % were connecting to internet though mobile phone technologies, and only 24.7 % were not connecting to internet through mobile phone technologies. As evidenced by various studies mentioned above, mobile phone technologies give opportunity to academics to connect to internet and to the world any time anywhere. In addition, mobile phone technologies could able to increase the range of personalized and customized communication, entertainment, relationship management and service function 5.1.7 Academics Preferences of Mobile Phone Functions The academics in this section were given a list of fifteen mobile phone functions and they had to choose one or more of these functions. The results are shown in table 3. Today mobile phone technologies provide a wide range of services. Among these services, a researcher can demonstrate; browsing the Web, MMS, games, alarm/reminder, calling, listening to music, voice recorder, chatting, calendar, camera, phone book, SMS, sending e-mail, dictionary, audio file storage. According to the findings, 100 % of respondents preferred that the function of calling was the most important function, where 98 % preferred that the second important function was SMS. In addition, the findings show that the respondents who choose calendar were 79 %, camera 77 %, alarm/reminder 75 %, phone book 70 %, listening to music 61 %, browsing the Web 53 %, games and sending e-mail 42 %, MMS 41 %, voice recorder 38%, dictionary and audio file storage 29%, and chatting 21 %. Table 3: Academics Preference of Mobile Phone Functions No. Mobile Phone Functions % 1 Calling 100% 2 SMS 98% 3 Calendar 79% 4 Camera 77% 5 Alarm/reminder 75% 6 Phone book 70% 7 Listening to music 61% 8 Browsing the Web 53% 9 Games 42% 10 Sending e-mail 42% 11 MMS 41% 12 Voice recorder 38% 13 Dictionary 29% 14 Audio file storage 29% 15 Chatting 21% 5.2 Attitudes towards the Use of Mobile Phone Technology in IHLs The respondents were given a list of six items to assess their opinions and attitudes toward using mobile phone tec
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